Posted Aug 28th, 2015 in Uncategorized

The #FreeYourDog Project aims to inspire owners and enrich the lives of dogs. Dogs are capable of so much more than we often give them credit for. Sometimes, a dog’s behavioural quirks can cause us to limit their exposure to the world. And more often than not, these quirks are something that can be worked on, worked with, or even fixed. Our challenge to you is to find new things that you can do with your dog. Take into account their individual needs; be creative! A leashed walk around the block or romp around the yard becomes just as repetitive for your dog as it does for you. Expand their world, and your own, and watch the bond with your dog strengthen. Most importantly, have fun! On the last Friday of every month we will post examples of how dog owners can break down barriers for their dogs. This month, we took Goose and Pearl kayaking on the Speed River:
Two dogs who prefer not to socialize. What better place to take them out than smack in the middle of a quiet river? #FreeYourDog
Spread the word, using the hashtag #FreeYourDog, and be sure to share your photos and videos with us! We want to see the fun!